Series 3: Manufacturing Equipment & Automation Article 3: Why Augmented Reality is so important in Industry 4.0 ?

While Industry 4.0 is all about generating Data, more Data, BIG Data and Reports of Analytics based upon it; the real challenge is to derive and retrieve the precise information for a context intelligently and present just the right piece of information to the right person at appropriate time, proactively.

We know how painful it is to retrieve exactly what we want through Internet … while there is plethora of Information available; more often we end up having information which is irrelevant and what has been presented for entirely different purpose and context.

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The Role of Augmented Reality:

  1. Augmented reality adds digital elements to person’s live view
  2. Field of view of AR goggle has a semi-transparent Laptop / Smartphone screen , which can be operated by hand gesture as a virtual touch panel
  3. There is built in smartphone / laptop functionality with webcam, earphones and mike which allows user to make phone calls, open any documents, send / receive e-mails with pictures and streaming videos etc.
  4. People working at site in congested and isolated condition can refer any problems to experts / trainers for their live advice and guidance … in fact AR is often seen as aid to Maintenance Function and it is already a big enabler for imparting virtual training .

But, following kind of customized applications hold lot of interesting possibilities:

For instance when CEOs take round in shop floor; often they squeeze in the visit in their busy schedule so they come unprepared. They may casually discuss some “C class items” which they notice (often pertaining to appearance of shop etc ). This is damaging in two ways:

  • People assume that there are no “A Class items” to be taken care of
  • “C Class” items spoken off by CEO become the “A Class” Items for them and the real “A Class” items get left to dogs
  • If AR google could recognize person / context and balloon out the previous thread of communication; CEO will get prompted to best use his precious time and effort for A class items.
  • When a PPC in charge moves around on shop at each machine he can see superimposed information of which was the last job, current job and next job scheduled
  • When you see someone at Trade fair or event, it can identify the face show the name of person, his visiting card as well as what agenda / dealing you may have had with him
  • When QA person sees a job he sees it with its inspection report / drawing and tolerances; he can also see various Simulation reports
  • When project manager visits site he sees the updated Gantt chart as well as Project Cost / Time overrun
  • On shop floor instead of cluttering lot of “irrelevant” instructions and information all around; specific context could be identified and instructions about the same could be selectively played out just at the right time …to ensure its efficacy and compliance.

Industry 4.0 is all about Integration with the existing IT-ware and Customization so that it become most useful for proactively presenting just the right bit of information at the right time for envisaged context. Augmented Reality Hardware / Software would have limited utility as long as it is bought and sold just as a “commodity”; customization with active involvement of end user is vital for making it to realize the interesting possibilities listed above.


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