Series 1: Our Blind Spots …. Article 11: Lack of “Engineering Sense” in Design of Justice System

Has the justice system been “Designed” through an engineering intent, process and spirit OR has it simply “fallen into place” the way it is, based on incidentally traversed “past-imperfect” historical concourse?

  • Historically Justice was being delivered by Kings themselves so there was no possibility of any scrutiny of performance of deliverables, or enforcement of any “working hours” or timeliness.
  • There was a forced “respect” and unconditional compliance to whatever and however they decided.
  • Then came the British era … where some semblance of “collective wisdom” and “objectivity” was brought in the form of “members of jury” and a “Constitution” and documented “Penal Code”
  • But then it all became too bureaucratic and procedural, with rigid norms of working and paperwork heavy … inherently lacking “responsiveness”
  • Rather than becoming like a car / bike that could easily navigate through traffic / chaos and reach on time; it became like a “road roller” chugging at its pace slowly and predictably … so that it could be easily escaped.

Missing Design Intent:

What is the Design Objective? … To control crime and violations of the law

For that to happen the rate of delivering justice must be more than incident rate of crime / violations

  • Do criminals have limited working hours, weekly off OR gazetted holidays? … If they do not have how can the judicial process have?
  • Unlike most other processes lawyers and judiciary have no performance measures that are monitored.
  • It there were performance measures what should those be? … Rate of delivering justice.
  • How long does it take to commit a murder or a rape including the planning / plotting etc?Possibly, few days, weeks or months BUT the justice process is allowed to take several years & decades to decide the case. It is a big empirical mismatch
  • Consequently we are at mercy of criminals as the rate of crime / violations is restricted only by the capacity and appetite of criminals rather than through legal deterrence?

The Shortcomings

One issue is of course pertaining to capacity shortfall; but beyond that there are so many issues to be addressed:

  1. Is there any monitoring and questioning of time taken by the process?
  2. Are the lawyers / judges being penalized for delaying justice? No they are not … sometimes if fact …delaying becomes the core competence that lawyers get paid for.
  3. If decisions get reversed at higher court, are people associated in lower courts with contrary decision made accountable? … No they are not.
  4. The law is written in such a complex manner that to understand and overcome that complexity one requires legal expertise assistance… and in spite of being a voluminous text … it is still subject to lot of variability in interpretation.
  5. Rather than delivering justice it has become a blind quest for “seeking justice at any cost” … cost implies both time, agony and money.
  6. Is it serving the purpose of delivering justice OR has it become just a lasting employment providing mechanism for the “legal class”?

Until the system gets designed to do what it is supposed to do … we will keep hearing “justice delayed is justice denied” but nothing will get done to prevent and pre-empt the same.


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