Series 1: Our Blind Spots …. Article 1: Being a Technocrat in India …. Historical Aberrations

Historically since ancient times, Indian society has never had a track record and tradition of according the due importance, recognition and respect to the people doing Technical Jobs. Technology itself has never been valued, popularized or deployed for improving the life of masses.

  • While everybody credits Shahjahan for building Tajmahal; nobody even knows the name of person who designed it and who built it. Story is much the same for all our famous monuments and engineering marvels that we can justifyably boast of.
  • Barring Goldsmiths, Jewellers and Medical Practitioners, in which enviable social strata were the expert architects, artisans, masons, metallurgists, carpenters, dyers, weavers etc. placed?

Lacking Literature References:

  • In none of our ancient literature we come across any references where people who did outstanding technical feat having been duly acknowledged and compensated.
  • The process of execution of technical feats has also been largely skipped in the literature … How did they do it? What were the challenges and how those challenges were overcome, working by laws of nature?
  • Rather than technology that works at ground level; what got revered were isolated instances of “chamatkaar / miracle” and use of supernatural powers to win the war of ideology and principles. It lead credence to concept that the tortuous activities involving technology need not be deciphered by the common man; these activities need not be undertaken by the lead characters themselves, and they could always be outsourced to someone.

Even if someone can cite some stray exceptions …such instances would really be statistically insignificant and thus would not reflect the social behaviour and mood at large.

Indifference of the Ruling class:

  • While we rightfully take pride in asserting that we were the first ones to have developed many profound esoteric concepts, well before anybody else did … that leads to a bigger question … how come we lost all that superiority so easily to the primitive raiders?
  • Answer is obvious … while our society and Kings were sleeping over Technology; raiders developed it and came with its brute power to conquer us. Same story has repeated over and over again … and we are still dragging our feet in taking any cognizance and corrective actions.
  • The problem was most of that our intellectual treasure lay isolated from the masses, into few elitist Centres, where it could get destroyed relatively easily.  Kings failed to Institutionalize and deploy it for the benefit of masses.
  • While Industrial Revolution happened in Europe; our Kings were blissfully ignoring technology development and were too preoccupied fighting each other and thus we missed the bus yet again.

Cut to the Present time:

  • Even now can you recall any movies, novels or TV serials which depict the life, trial and tribulations of a working level Technocrat? No … we simply do not consider them inspiring, important and entertaining enough.
  • Owing to historical legacy and for obvious reasons; Technology Jobs are largely underrated while managerial / administrative jobs are grossly overrated by the Industry Management and Governments. Technocrats are being saddled with unrealistic expectations … of performing miracle, and they get conveniently dispensed under Cost Cutting Drive.
  • While it may have been possible for the Government to open several Premier Institutes for Technology; but could it make sure that the pass outs eventually pursue a career in Technology in India after passing out?

To correct such a massive historical set back … an aggressive, focused strategy push from Leadership was required to offset it, and graft the respect and focus for technology and technocrats in the society.  This is difficult, because we are a democracy and masses would never ask for it or appreciate it, owing to their historical preconditioning … this could go on in a vicious circle.

Left to the narrow short term Business Considerations … Technocrats would continue to get stifled under Managers, Administrators and Finance people. With their limited excel sheet vision Business Managers would end up finding merits in outsourcing rather than developing Technology in house.


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