Series 1: Our Blind Spots Article 4: Being a Technocrat in India …. Core Technologies have been swept by the IT wave, Quit India Movement & B School

What Cricket has done to all other sport in India is similar to what IT has done to all other technologies!!!

  • There is nothing basically wrong in giving emphasis to IT today… in any case use of Computers and Cell Phones today has become like driving ( a vehicle )  skills which all young folks must have.
  • BUT, it would certainly be called abnormal if all professionals quit their parent domains to only become drivers.
  • Students from all branches of Engineering have been increasingly gravitating towards IT to eventually work for overseas clientele based primarily on “lower cost proposition”.
  • Most of them end up doing low end work and very seldom do they get a pioneering / premium niche jobs that could challenge creativity.
  • It is like having sacrificed all other sport for the glamour of Cricket … and not doing great there either.
  • It was a Leadership function to have ensured a balanced commensurate growth in various faculties…. as “Lopsided Growth” is never in any nation’s long term interest.

Quit India Movement

  • There has been annual exodus of “brilliant technical grads” … for doing MS followed by Ph.D following by taking up a job overseas … ultimately to become green card holder there.
  • Those who did not / could not go abroad for PG … are automatically deemed to be “unworthy” and “mediocre”
  • For Leadership positions in Technology (Professorship in premium institutes, R&D and Design) the entry route is often through overseas only.
  • Not only we do not have enough opportunities to inspire technocrats to grow here; we ourselves have doubts about our own education system as well as assessment … that we must depend on recognition tagged on returnee from overseas.

B School Culture hammering down technology

  • It is a weird but candid observation … the countries where B-School Culture dominates Industry … technology development takes a back seat.
  • Consider technology development and innovative products shown in trade fair from US, UK, Australia … there is a clear trend of decline visible … today most of innovative and niche technology development products are reported from Germany, Italy , Spain, China and surprisingly Turkey.
  • B School boys have a terrible tendency to go for global outsourcing rather than pursuing a case for developing technology in house.
  • Chinese have acquired many leading Corporates …. who once did technology development in the Western World … and see today they have the whole range of exotic technologies and the whole ecosystem in their back yard.

Whether it makes business sense or otherwise; the pursuit for technology development deserves such passionate bold strategies with clear vision, foresight, drive and plan and certainly it cannot be left to wanton market forces alone.


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