Series 2: Bio-Intelligence Article 10: “Food” is also “Data”

Dieticians and Allopathic system of medicine treats food and medicines merely as material / molecular inputs to the body viz., Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals. Body is being treated as a leaky balloon … something goes in, something burns away, something comes out and the rest swells the body. In case of medicines … they supposedly act upon “hardware” directly to alter its behaviour.

But then, body is also a computer and food ( and other inputs) also DATA…

  1. What will happen when data is fed to computer certainly depends on the data but it also depends greatly on what the computer program does with the data.
  2. Food is not just material input … it is also sensory input through vison, taste, smell, touch. Brain has already unknowingly learnt from those inputs in the past and associated them with many other related experiences.
  3. Mango comes in summer … so when mango is sensed the body assumes that this is summer or summer is going to come, and it prepares itself for summer proactively.
  4. It is not uncommon to experience eruptions of summer rash upon consuming mangoes excessively. This is not something that allopathy can explain.
  5. If summer also follows it is fine, but if it does not … it becomes uncalled for allergic response by the body and you consume anti allergic to supress the hyper-response.
  6. As a matter of fact … if somebody is allergic to mango the allergy gets triggered not just when mango has been actually eaten or smelt or touched …it could even get triggered by seeing picture of mango or upon seeing it on TV monitor or smartphone display.

Hot” and “Cold” effect of food items …

  • Just as mangoes cause “heat” in the body so also do dry fruits and even ice and wearing diamond … they could lead to typical heat symptoms like node bleeding.
  • Banana, curd, srikhand and ice-cream when consumed at night is known to cause “cold” leading to typical symptoms like runny nose. Pearl when worn could also cause “cold”.
  • Conventional wisdom also laid down rules prohibiting combination of certain food items as “no go”. E.g. Drinking cold water after having a banana and having red wine with prawn.
  • Delicate hypersensitive Nawaabs of Lucknow had strict rules of which perfumes are not to be used in certain season, since they used to get allergies.
  • Now a days number of food items which used to be seasonal, have become available perennially and that has been leading to spurt in allergies …until the body unlearns the earlier correlation.

Regulating Inputs and Starving is the brute force method:

  • Dieticians try to balance material and calorie input with consumption through regulated inputs and exercises etc.
  • But then they do not work on managing selective absorption, conversion and appropriation by the body which is vastly variable from individual to individual and time to time.
  • It should certainly be possible to teach the body to simply ignore excessive sugar input …. It is our problem that we do not know yet how to do it.
  • Nature has designed body to adapt to your lifestyle BUT we are made to believe that we must manage our diet and lifestyle artificially so that body does not have to adapt.
  • Body does have a mechanism to regulate its weight … if we are overweight it is not so much because of diet but because the “set point” of target weight has somehow gone on higher side.. all we should do is to correct the target “set point”…and the servo controls in body will manage the same. It is our problem that we do not yet know how to alter the set points.

Conclusion: It is time we move to and master “Software” level debugging and correction from mere “Hardware” level maintenance for out body …we may take a leaf from computers into medical domains.


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