Series 2: Bio-Intelligence Article 12: Medicines that act through Intelligence of Nerves and Brain

If we analyse the way medicines / therapies act ( and react … if something acts it must react also … if there is claim of “no reaction” it amounts to claiming “no action” ) with our bodies we could classify them in few categories :

Categories of Medicines / Therapies

  1. Those which manipulate nutritional and poisoning material inputs or their absorption directly into the physiological system e.g., Vitamins, Minerals, Tonics etc
  2. Those which reach tissues and cells through blood either directly or through digestive absorption and act upon them at hardware level e.g., painkillers, relaxants / dilators, anti-biotics
  3. Those which are directly applied into target tissues locally e.g., ointments , douches and inhalers
  4. Those which act through intra-cellular DNA based intelligence e.g., vaccines
  5. Those which act through manipulation of chemical messengers at physiological level e.g., hormones, enzymes, cofactors.
  6. There is a class of medicines / therapies that work through neural intelligence

How Medicines / Therapies can work through neural intelligence?

  • Output from Brain and nerves can contract or relax all muscles including the muscles that make the heart tick, that make the peristalsis to propel food, that control breathing as well as excretion, that squeeze glands and secrete saliva and possibly they could possibly squeeze all other glands as well, that can alter the filter pressure in kidney, that could constrict or dilate blood vessels to alter and manipulate local blood flow patterns.
  • While the muscles causing external movements are voluntary, since we get a feedback, and we have learnt to control them; most internal functions remain non-voluntary … we could learn how to control them BUT we have not learnt it, and it may also not be desirable for us to learn them.
  • If you get a feedback about your heartbeat and blood sugar you could learn how to control these BUT in doing so you would have introduced a control switch in its control pathway and that switch you must operate voluntarily for every single heartbeat …WHAT A TAX on your intelligence resources for something that was meant to be autonomous?

There are two types of neural intelligence :

  • What has been learnt by you based on inputs you got and their after effects.
  • What has been learnt by your ancestors based on inputs they got … this kind of learning goes into genetics and gets expressed through neural predisposition morphology through growth dynamics … it becomes something like neural reflex action through connectivity itself.

Basis of Homeopathy:

  • The effect of “poisons” and how our ancestors learnt to overcome their exposure effects… has already been learnt and expressed through reflex intelligence.
  • Most homeo medicines are poisons in great dilution … actually higher potency medicines will have so much dilution that there may not be a single drug molecule in a dose … then how does it work?
  • Miniscule amount of drug is kept in mother tincture / water solution … and it is tapped number of times depending on potency
  • It shapes the molecular structure of solution media into globules bearing negative ( counter-shape ) of poison molecule ( thanks to hydrogen bonds) … depending upon potency so many negative profiles get replicated.
  • The negative profiles get identified by the “smell” sensors and neural network get ticks of proximity to that poison.
  • Based on inherited reflex based intelligence, a corrective action gets initiated through the neural network
  • Therefore you are advised against using strong perfumes and fragrances lest they interfere in detection.
  • Materia Medica … the reference book for Homeopathy classifies categories of brain behaviour since the applicability and effects of medicines are not exactly repeatable on all individuals. Many times they ask unrelated questions to determine the category of individual and zero in on “likely key” to the stated problem.

Other Therapies:

  • There is Acupuncture which treats ailment by accelerating or slowing the function of target organs through exciting the associated location at neural map on palms / soles or earlobes
  • Most herbal based drugs act through brain by altering the balance of “hot” vs “cold” through system of phlegm ( cough ), liver ( pitt ) affecting skin eruptions and gases ( vaat / vayu)

While the hardware focused allopathic medications are clinically repeatable and have quick – predictable and well established effects and side effects ( proven on mice); the neural intelligence based therapy remains highly subjective and variable even within human communities and geographies …plus, it varies with time also … whatever used to be “natural” once no longer comes to you naturally; and therefore practical diagnostic wisdom assumes much more importance than the use of medicine itself.


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