Series 2: Bio-Intelligence Article 13: Can there be a “Superhuman” life form?

There are five levels at which ‘Physiological Intelligence” gets distributed and expressed:

  1. Genetic Level – For Encoding / Decoding, Archiving, Copying and Oncogenesis, for creating different type of cells in correct sequence based on feedback
  2. Intra Cellular Level – For building and maintaining intra cellular structures, controlling and managing activities within, execution of Cell Division, operating Valves at the cell surface, communication and connectivity with adjacent cells and surrounding media AND to carryout functionality of different types of cells at higher cooperative system level.
  3. Tissue and Organ Level – For growing shapes / structures forming organs, for execution of tissue and organ functionality with autonomy AND with external control. Organs are made up of multiple tissue structures while tissues are made of similar type of cells.
  4. Body Level – Controlling and Managing coordination and relation between tissues / organs to result into posture and movements, for adaptively managing activity and growth level, to maintain energetics, resource and waste logistics & kinesis, for defence, scavenging, diagnosis and self-correction of abnormalities. Centralized chemical level control and chemical messengers are employed for execution.
  5. Neural Level – Neural connectivity and communication based acquisition of sensory inputs, learning and controlled & coordinated release of chemical messengers locally to effect the coordinated control of muscles which control organs / tissues selectively.

Beyond these, in Human beings there is a much developed Psychological Intelligence that leads to learning, personality, creativity, imagination, thinking and all of this influences the individual behaviour and group behaviour in society. This is what gives us the unique capability of altering and manipulating environment, as well as to augment our biological capabilities through machines and technology.

Levels of Life Forms:

  1. Single Cellular life forms – They have only the Intra Cellular Level Intelligence and they divide into similar cells only.
  2. Plant Kingdom – Synthesize food from inorganic elements through photosynthesis, they have nothing like a muscle for controlled and reversible movement / kinesis however sometimes they may have contractile fibrils for one time execution ( e.g., for buds releasing seeds by changing shape suddenly and carnivorous plant ). Most movements and growth happen through simpler rules such as vacuum, capillarity, surface tension / osmosis, gravity and seeking sun or resources in soil / water.
  3. Animal Kingdom – Barring Psychological Intelligence they have all the rest in varying degrees BUT unlike plants they cannot synthesize food from inorganic inputs.
  4. Human Life Form expresses the Psychological Intelligence also.

Possibilities of Superhuman Life Form?

  • At intelligence level Human like life form could probably exist somewhere with some variations in Body structure, kind of tissues / organs and level of physiological and psychological intelligence.
  • Superhuman could have superiority in type and number of sensory inputs and their resolution / range also they could have superiority in force and speed of movements which they could produce …BUT have we not already augmented our biological capability through civil structures, weapons, tools, automobiles, machines , hardware and software that we only have grown beyond our own biology.
  • Probably YES …the superhuman may also synthesize food from inorganic elements within their body …even if they do, it does not give them a clear superiority in terms of level of intelligence or for their survival.

War of Civilizations will never be a hand-to-hand fight; both sides would have their Supercomputer, Mighty Machines, Communication, Nukes and AI powered Weapon systems.

From single cellular to Physiological level intelligence was the first big leap and addition of Psychological intelligence was the second big leap …. next big leap could only be a level where individual human is treated as a subunit and there is a higher level multi-human life form …. Are our cities and organizations not already a superhuman life form?

Any cities / organizations anywhere in the world do have some common features …They all have many elements of a “living being” such as construction & maintenance of structures / systems, transport – logistics – mobility — interconnectivity, resource management, Police, Defence Services, Fire brigade, Municipality, Health Services, Learning Centres, Adaptive feedback based coordinated controls within.

SO we do know the SUPERMAN


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