Series 2: Bio-Intelligence Article 5: Intracellular Intelligence

Cell is generally assumed to be made of jelly like cytoplasm fluid in which all internal organelles simply float around; it is bound by a cell membrane which is like a liquid crystal mosaic within which protein globules just float.

Given that the cells which make up our bodies and also single cellular organisms like Amoeba, are very stable, repeatable, robust and adaptive systems … they obviously have lot more intelligence and internal mechanism than what above assumptions would imply.

  • When a food / ingestible particle comes at the surface the cell clearly identifies and operated its micro muscles to change its shape around it locally and actively engulfs it into a vacuole ( made of same membrane) to isolate it from cytoplasm until it gets digested.
  • The vacuole moves inwards and another vesicle containing digestive juice ( lysozyme) comes from somewhere inside and collides the food vacuole and the food particle gets acted upon chemically , gets disintegrated and diffuses into cytoplasm fluid.
  • Clearly, just the right quantity of lysozyme gets packaged into the Lysosome to just digest the mass of food particle in food vacuole. Lysozyme is so corrosive that excess quantity can destroy the cell completely also.
  • Clearly, the food vacuole and Lysosome know where and how to navigate their movement so that they would go on collision course with shorted path. Obviously the cell could not be wasting energy moving the vacuoles in Brownian movement until they collide per chance.
  • Even as the cell appears to be semifluid; it does know its orientation and placement of internal organelles and vesicles…. It obviously knows its equator and poles; that is how it divides the genetic matter correctly to the two daughter cells upon cell division.
  • Oxygen and fuel comes duly passivated through cytoplasm until they reach Mitochondria where they get un-passivated and allowed to react so that energy gets liberated at specific site which requires energy. Mitochondria align and predispose themselves where energy would be required.
  • Look at the fluid filled vesicles which are parallel cisternae crouching one inside other … if cytoplasm were isotropic jelly that it is made out to be ; the vesicles would look like drops
  • Chemical Products ( such as insulin ) get synthesized in the cell … and they stem from multiple genes. The fluids coming off different gene could be filling the cisternae … and upon demand a vacuole rises outwards from within crossing multiple cisternae to produce cross gene chemical products.
  • The collapsible micro muscle moves the vacuoles to the delivery surface
  • When cells selectively absorb food / oxygen / Carbon dioxide / toxins at one side and transport it across to opposite side ( as in intestine , lungs, kidney, glands ) the cells clearly know the two sides and have the transportation mechanism across.

The role of Cytoskeleton in lesser understood and underrated ….whereas the Cytoskeleton is best placed to execute the intra cellular processes through the intracellular intelligence.


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