Series 2: Bio-Intelligence Article 7: Demystifying Blueprint-code for human body?

Set of Chromosomes are said to be the archive of “Blueprint” for the human body. Whereas the Code stored on Chromosomes and DNA contained in nuclei of all cells of the body remain same; how the execution of same Code in various cells produce vast variety of cellular tissues with entirely different structure, functions and characteristics through oncogenesis … remains to be demystified to engineering  rigor.

What is amply clear through circumstantial evidence and logical deduction does opens up many interesting leads for exploration:

  1. The “Blueprint Code” is not a single recipe to be followed sequentially; it is rather like an encyclopaedia of all possible recipes which all cells carry. For each type of cell there are certain “bookmarks” set.
  2. Each chromosome is a different “volume of encyclopaedia” and those could be referred simultaneously, in parallel.
  3. Gene sequences representing certain protein or “enzyme” code are translated / executed from marker to marker and certain number of products gets delivered through a mechanism at required location in required orientation.
  4. Enzyme” is loosely used for any mechanism that carries out any specific manoeuvring at molecular level.
  5. There must be “counting beads” to keep track of how many products got synthesized.
  6. There must also be “feedback” controlled manipulation of “bookmarks” for producing a different type of cell in oncogenesis ( any corruption of this functionality causes cancer )
  7. There must also be a reverse process to detect and encode any existing protein structures, enzymes and shape-size of interspaces to alter the linked DNA code portion accordingly. This is how the encyclopaedia evolves based on sustained detection and statistical survival of those changes on longer time scale.

So is all the “pixelized” microdata for whole human body encoded and stored  on DNAs like CAD models in engineering? …. Well, YES and NO!!!

  • It just has intelligence to selectively execute sequences for producing certain proteins and enzymes is a specific sequence for each type of cell
  • This results into certain shape , size and functionality of cells and tissues
  • Under certain conditions it changes to another type / structure of cell
  • The intercellular structures and relative growth rate of cells determine the shape of resulting tissues and organs
  • The type of cells within organ determine its functionality
  • Then, there are gross level chemical messengers and execution triggers (hormones, enzymes, neuro-transmitters and co-factors) in body which control growth rate and level of function in various tissues.
  • While skeleton is majorly forms the body structure but it is result of ossification     ( calcium binding ) on secreted proteins matrix. Length of bones depend upon growth hormone and thickness depends on relative rate of bone generation and bone dissolution. Carving of bone joints is based on termination of growth upon encountering with other side limiting surfaces … so they are “suited upon assembly”

So human body structure is ultimately a result of execution of genetic code in phased manner … but much more than that it is the sequence in which it happens, and presence of pre-existing structures, conditions and surroundings at each stage. It is also the growth dynamics involving various type of tissues and gross physiological parameters.

While all cells may have the same data archive; only egg cells ( sperm and ova ) can initiate the process of human body execution together.


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