Series 3: Manufacturing Equipment & Automation Article 9: I4.0 – Tips for implementing in Indian context

Given that there is intent and desire of implementing Industry 4.0; let us consider pros and cons of various options for implementing the same.

First and foremost …make a CFT to collectively decide upfront on features, screens, reports in order to have the ownership and commitment of using it once it is there.

  • All internal agencies may have their limited perspective and so radically different ideas and priorities may emerge at different times sending the developer in tizzy.
  • There are evidences that systems are asked for when they are not there and are not used once they are there.
  • People remain indifferent when System is under conception and evolution only to disown it later.
  • Many times higher ups get swayed by the Fancy Reporting Screens and decide System based on that; while that is the least difficult part.
  • Most cost / effort go in installing and proving Transducers / Instrumentation, automation of Data Acquisition at diverse machines, customization, communication and building of Data Base Structure
  • Have a glide path for implementation in multiple phases so that the trial and evolution happens in restricted zone at any time

Different strategies and options are possible for implementation:

1.     By Design of Factory itself

  • Decide on overall Software and Communication Environment upfront before making a new Plant; have the infrastructure
  • Procure equipment and machines which are compatible
  • Develop work system, org structure, procedures and KPIs around it

Pros: It goes in organization’s DNA and there is standardization

Cons: a) Technology evolves very fast and becomes obsolete very fast.

b) Choice of equipment / machines would be based on consideration of

compatibility alone rather than other Commercial, Technological and

Performance Considerations which could be relatively more important

c) It could amount to restricting to certain brands, nationality, standards and

way of working which may not always be the Best option in changing


2.     Making a grand roadmap for complete integration and outsourcing the turnkey implementation to a Big Player

Pros: Proven and Standard Products with continuity of Service Support and AMC

Cons: a) Low on customization /tailored fit, may generate feeling of enslavement

b) Work Systems ought to be governed by Organizations Core Business,

Anatomy and Processes, rather than grafting a System which has evolved

with “universal” assumptions

c) Abrupt large scale switchover from prevailing system could be painful

d) Not all applications may be equally efficient and friendly

3.     Buy standard existing products piecemeal and put them together

  • Certain brand machines come with standard TPM Software
  • PLCs come with Data Logging features through standard Data Bus
  • CNCs could be customized to throw some data on Ethernet
  • Buy Project Monitoring Software, Scheduler, DFM , Maintenance Management , Condition Monitoring Software separately

Pros: All applications are best, proven and most efficient individual applications can

be installed / upgraded / changed

Cons: a) Islands of application restricted by certain type / brand of machines

b) Integration remains weak, possibly with duplication of data entry

in different formats

4.     Progressively Develop & Customize through small local developers & integrators

  • Start Machine Utilization Monitoring for Cluster of Machine with Database and Report on Server / Mobile App
  • Add Data Logging features for energy monitoring and link with quality reports
  • Add HMIs for tracking Mudas, entry of breakdowns / maintenance data , TPM & logbook
  • Add Job and Tool Tracking Features and integrate with Scheduler

Pros: a) Much lower cost for all applications and integration put together

b) Strong on Customization and system grows around the existing processes,

IT environment and organization’s work culture

Cons: a) Prolonged struggle in iterative proving / debugging at site

b) Cannot first see then decide…. it is first to decide, then try and refine

c) Continuity of Service Support depends on existence of service provider

5.     Do it yourself

Pros: a) Ownership and Buy-in is ensured

b) Most effective home grown solutions will come

Cons: a) Internal IT / Maintenance may not have the bandwidth , range, resources,

exposure and competency to do good job of all diverse applications

b) In case of large organizations the Cost and Time taken for doing it internally

may be much more than outsourcing to experts

c) Tendency of hiding skeletons in cupboard may affect the objectivity and

transparency of system itself

d) Being a one time affair, there may be no benchmarking and consideration of


Choose the strategy to suit your urgency, budget, aspiration and risk appetite


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