
How Car Design Has Evolved: From Basic to Beautiful
India’s Industrial Policies in 1950s-1970s: A Quick Overview
Can India Defend its Digital Borders? A Discussion with Cybersecurity Expert Neelkanth Dwibedi

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Implications of Indian Industrial Policies in the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s
Geologist Gopal Dhawan Discusses Engineering Challenges in Tunnel Construction
Why Are Urban Middle-Class Professionals Quitting India?
Exotic Technologies: Discussing Rotary Swaging & Axial Forming with Peter Karch from FELSS
Can Engineers Redefine Success in the World of Entrepreneurship?
Aren’t Women Cut Out For Core Engineering Fields?
Navigating Industry 4.0 in Indian Terrain: An Interview with Amitabh Chaturvedi
From Tech to Exec: Engineers’ Journey to Management Education
Fostering Indian Innovation in the Global Industry 4.0 Landscape: An Interview with Mr. Arvind Tilak

Our Articles

Being a Technocrat in India …. Historical Aberrations

Historically since ancient times, Indian society has never had a track record and tradition of according the due importance, recognition and respect to the people doing Technical Jobs. Technology itself has never been valued, popularized or deployed for improving the life of masses.

Bio-Intelligence Article 18 Possibilities of Simulation of Human Body on Computer

With synergy and cross fertilization of concepts from Human Anatomy – Physiology and Computer Algorithms these are now immense possibilities of Simulating the whole Human Body and its behavior on Computer.
There could be many levels of depth and details that may be captured and harnessed.

Manufacturing Automation Article 20 Is AI-ML a shortcut?

Often application of AI-ML into anything is considered as the ultimate of advanced technology adoption and “La Maxima” that could be done to address any problem if some organization has the fancy / capability / appetite for it.

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